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iCloud API

This is a high level documentation of the reverse engineered iCloud API, used in this application.

Postman Collection

In the debugging process, a Postman Collection has been created, in order to interact freely with the API.

In order to use it, username and password variables have to be set in the selected environment. Make sure that the Collection Variables are reset upon changing the environment. Also if you want to reset the current session, reset those variables and restart the authentication process

Authentication process

This application is using the same authentication flow as

This research concluded in the following flow:


To execute this flow in the provided Postman Collection, follow these steps:

  1. Run 01-Enter Pwd Request
  2. If the status code is 409 an MFA code is required, if code is 200 continue to 3.
    1. To resend the MFA code to a trusted device, run 01-- Resend 2FA In-App request
    2. To resent the MFA code to a phone through a call or sms, run 01-- Resend 2FA Phone (you may need to adjust the body of this request)
    3. Use the 02-Enter 2FA to provide a MFA code (by setting the code variable in the body), status code 204 expected
    4. Run 03-Trust Device Request, expecting 204
  3. Acquire iCloud Cookies through 04-Setup iCloud request
  4. Setup the Photos Library (and select either the primary or shared library through the environment variable sharedLibrary) through 05-Setup iCloud Photos request
  5. optionally (and done by the application) Check, that the Photos Library has finished indexing with 06-Check indexing State
  6. Now use the iCloud Photos Library folder, to execute actions against the iCloud Photos library

The Postman Collection expects the following Environmental variables to be defined: - username set to the iCloud username - password set to the iCloud password - sharedLibrary set to true in case the share library should be used