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The sort is performed on a copy of the array, referencing the same objects. * Order is defined as follows: For every album in the array, its parent's index (if exists) is always smaller than the index of the album (parent is 'in front' of all of its children) * @param unsortedQueue - The unsorted queue. * @returns A sorted queue */ function sortQueue(unsortedQueue: Album[]): Album[] { return [...unsortedQueue].sort((a, b) => SyncEngineHelper.compareQueueElements(unsortedQueue, a, b)); } /** * Compares two queue elements, based on the specification of compareFn of Array.sort * @param fullQueue - The full queue necessary to check for ancestors * @param a - The first element * @param b - The second element * @returns - Returns a negative value if the first element is less than the second element, zero if they're equal, and a positive value otherwise. */ function compareQueueElements(fullQueue: Album[], a: Album, b: Album): number { if (a.getUUID() === b.getUUID()) { return 0; } if (a.hasAncestor(b, fullQueue)) { return 1; // B is ancestor, therefore his index needs to be bigger } if (b.hasAncestor(a, fullQueue)) { return -1; // A is ancestor, therefore his index needs to be bigger } try { const distanceToRootA = Album.distanceToRoot(a, fullQueue); const distanceToRootB = Album.distanceToRoot(b, fullQueue); return distanceToRootA - distanceToRootB; // Provide distance based on depth } catch (err) { return 0; // If there is a broke in the link, return them as equal } } /** * This function diffs two entity arrays (can be either Albums or Assets) and returns the corresponding processing queue * @param remoteEntities - The entities fetched from a remote state * @param _localEntities - The local entities as read from disk * @returns A processing queue, containing the entities that needs to be deleted, added and kept. In the case of albums, this will not take hierarchical dependencies into consideration */ function getProcessingQueues<T>(remoteEntities: PEntity<T>[], _localEntities: PLibraryEntities<T>): PLibraryProcessingQueues<T> { const localEntities = {..._localEntities}; // This.logger.debug(`Getting processing queues`); const toBeAdded: T[] = []; const toBeKept: T[] = []; remoteEntities.forEach(remoteEntity => { const localEntity = localEntities[remoteEntity.getUUID()]; if (!localEntity || !remoteEntity.equal(localEntity)) { // No local entity OR local entity does not match remote entity -> Remote asset will be added & local asset will not be removed from deletion queue Resources.logger(`SyncHelper`).debug(`Adding new remote entity ${remoteEntity.getDisplayName()}`); // Making sure entities have all relevant properties toBeAdded.push(remoteEntity.apply(localEntity)); } else { // Local asset matches remote asset, nothing to do, but preventing local asset to be deleted Resources.logger(`SyncHelper`).debug(`Keeping existing local entity ${remoteEntity.getDisplayName()}`); toBeKept.push(remoteEntity.apply(localEntity)); delete localEntities[remoteEntity.getUUID()]; } }); // The original library should only hold those records, that have not been referenced by the remote state, removing them const toBeDeleted = Object.values(localEntities); Resources.logger(`SyncHelper`).debug(`Got ${toBeDeleted.length} remaining local entities that need to be deleted: ${ => (entity as any).getDisplayName()).join(`, `)}`); return [toBeDeleted, toBeAdded, toBeKept]; } /** * If an ancestor (not parent) of an Album is marked for deletion, the album needs to be moved (aka deleted & added), since it did not change from a diffing perspective (same parent) * @param queues - The album processing queue for the albums * @param localAlbumEntities - The local state * @returns Updated processing queues with resolved hierarchical dependencies, ready for processing */ function resolveHierarchicalDependencies(queues: PLibraryProcessingQueues<Album>, localAlbumEntities: PLibraryEntities<Album>): PLibraryProcessingQueues<Album> { // This.logger.debug(`Resolving hierarchical dependencies in album processing queues...`); const toBeDeleted = queues[0]; const toBeAdded = queues[1]; let toBeKept = queues[2]; // Storing the indices of items that need moving, so they can later be removed from the toBeKept Array const removeIndexesFromKept: number[] = []; const localAlbums = Object.values(localAlbumEntities); // Go over all kept albums toBeKept.forEach((keptAlbum, index) => { // Check if any of the deleted is an ancestor of the kept album if (toBeDeleted.some(deletedAlbum => keptAlbum.hasAncestor(deletedAlbum, localAlbums))) { // This.logger.debug(`Found hierarchical dependency for album ${keptAlbum.getDisplayName()}`); // This means that this kept album actually needs to be deleted & added toBeDeleted.push(keptAlbum); toBeAdded.push(keptAlbum); // Marking the item to be removed from kept removeIndexesFromKept.push(index); } }); toBeKept = toBeKept.filter((_album, index) => removeIndexesFromKept.indexOf(index) === -1); return [toBeDeleted, toBeAdded, toBeKept]; } |